The kind we speak of is focused on a different kind of aquisition. The Live Exchange is a trading floor of dreams realised in the creative mind, packaged in its format and presented to the a public in search of signature creations by individual minds. Most living hours are spent on demands of the day, which makes moments of respite from discipline, treasured and valued.  An unconscious continuity carries on with the process of planning how to use up the treasured free time one has earned until now.
We hope to have created a something to address the issue of how to see the raw and uncut, yet highly polished and varnished. It is a reciprocal , symbiotic relationship in which our curated Portfolio of Creative Artists, pour into their work unhibited passion for the sole  purpose of your fulfillment and  request in return acknowledgement of their efforts with your patronage.

For the Creative Artists Attention.

What we are about to say is already common knowledge among all who choose the path of the creative Arts as a carreer path.
While it is admired, those not in any of the artistic disciplines rarely appreciate the amount of time effort and sacrifice put in to master your Instrument if a Musician, Skill if you are a figurative painter, Mastery of Prose if you are a writer, Mallet and Chisel or Clay if you are a Sculptor, but know that deep within they get a visceral feeling in the presence of concieved and created art. Some lose their mind at a Live show as they are absolutely supposed to do, get visceral in the moment.
It is however known among in the creative artists world that their craft is viewed not as a service that is a skill demanding many years intense of study, discipline and examinations but as a side attachment or addons to an established way of doing things reflecting the low value and esteem of the creative artist and the vital role they can play in the fortunes of a business.
For too long now the established order of things in the UK amounts to no more than the the exploitation of a resource that adds measurable value to business and Industry, yet it is still artificially suppressed in its value. Pubs and Bars should urgently get clever about a valuable resourse on their doorstep and stop seeing the Artists as a tool to exploit. An A board outside saying “Live Music Here TONITE” does not an Event destination make or Vibe create.
Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange is our response to the need for a new something as the current something we have is at a deficit in satisfying the mid level Arts Entertainment market.  We aim to grab the ankles of and dangle the current format, shaking it till all the rusty old coins fall out of its pockets and make a fresh new start with Silver and Gold coin Artists at the core of an all inclusive new structure of creative exposure.

The High Street & The Store.

The Live Exchange is and hopes to do exactly what it says on the tin. Like any stock trading floor or Market, exchanges are made here but of different kind. A transaction between Artists and Audiences/Customers who appreciate and value their work enough to become fans who purchase said items. It also a place for New discoveries like on any other market day or window shopping stroll on a high street.
The world & London is our  High Street  –  Shack Entertainment is our Store & The Live Exchange is our display stand and shelving of products. Great Artists we have gathered here for you on our site to browse through and dip in for a taste.  We hope you the reader and other Artists out there understand our reasoning and phylosophy a little better now and why we are doing what we have presented here for you.
See you soon at The live Exchange.
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Shack Entertainment

A&R - Shack News & Blog Posts Editor

Shack Entertainments In-house Writers and Editors will update users of our platform with Information Updates, Blog Posts, News & Upcoming Podcasts mail out to Subscribers .

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Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

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