Housing Association or Gravy Train


INVESTIGATION – Shack News Editorials & Commentary.



David Done
CEO Richmond Housing Partnership
Very easily if you are as well renumerated and have little accountabilty for running a ship of holes that is a profitable Grift for those lucky enough to be on board for this magical fantasy ride. Mr David Done is the outgoing Chief Executive who has overseen a catalogue of misery for tenants since 2008, gold plated pension in the bag.
A smash and grab would be a self deafeating and idiotic ploy when one can stay aboard for a much longer journey and enjoy the fruits of a charitable status organisation that is also a multi million pound entity , ripe for the picking if you know how to structure a charitable status organisation to make it bereft of compassion and very profitable for all positioned to collect from the Profits of the one commodity in abundance, a free property portfolio of 10,000 flats and houses with all the accompanying oppotunities for personal enrichment under a cloak of respectability while the reality for a multitude of occupants is Misery, Sadness,  Disrepair, Cold, Damp,  Sickness and ill health, Mould, Woodmite & Woodlice Flooding Vermin Roof Tiles falling off buildings, Bullying, Psychopathic Surveyors who do the bidding of the CEO, Abuse of Power fortified by a total lack of Empathy or any kind of human Compassion.
It appears the Oligarchs handbook has been essential reading for the Board of Directors of Richmond Housing Partnership.
Who are these extremely well paid faceless entities paid for second, third and sometimes fourth Board roles, with further self enrichment in mind who spend fortunes on plush corporate offices, yet leave their occupants of their homes in squalid mould ridden conditions, with such sway over  lives are for tenants nothing but harbingers of doom. A multitude of illustrative stories will come to light on practices that have long been dismissed, and hidden with disdain because of the impression held by the board of RHP that the value of the lives of occupants of the property empire they oversee, are less worthy than theirs or that of their families and as such should be and are always disregarded by edicts set down by the occupants of the RHP Ivory Tower.

People for years have always been dying due to the criminal neglect and heartlessness of housing associations. Tenants are in despair that they are not being listened to until now with the death of Awab Ishak due to Mould untended to and the death of a woman in a flat that was not attended tyo by the Peabody Housing  Association who went on to demand from the relevant authorities to cut off Gas and Electricity supplies to the property and continued to collect her rent. All while residents were all complaining to them that she had not been seen, of a putrid smell from the flat and maggots infesting the other properties in the block of flats.









About The Author

Milly Johnson

Reporter : Common Interest Stories Correspondent

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