A National institution


OPINION – Shack News Editorials & Commentary.

Our National Health Service

This writer is immeasurably grateful to the NHS for its continued presence in my life, when I have needed and not needed the World leading excellent care that is always the expected minimum and usually delivered normal standard. For when I have needed its care in the most serious of situations, it has been no less than life saving. When I have not needed it myself , it has been equally so for my loved ones and those dear to me, extended family and friends, which is why I am personally invested in what happens to this  great institution that was a benchmark and template for health systems around the world.
Any institution that employs a million staff and has an operating budget of £190 Billion will invariably attracted the attention of “Bad actors” who will only see a financial motive, while the social, societal and human element is only an inconvenient problem to be dealt with silently and incrementally, with the assistance of their cohorts in High Political Office for 12 pieces of  Investment Banking Silver.
None of us are in full knowledge of how and when the plan to dismantle the NHS was instigated, as normal people were too distracted by the demands of life and duties to have the time to ponder destruction for gain as part of a days work. The Mortgage and Bills have to be paid and the kids need new shoes as they are growing fast.
Is it the case that when one becomes evidently comfortable and fully protected from the consequences of circumstance, or so they think, they lose their humanity or is this just the brave new world we have created. History and Humanity has demonstrated to us that alturism is part of the human condition and what we have been Gaslit into accepting as normal for decades what has been the slow erosion of a societies right to adequate healthcare as opposed to the financial and aquisitory instincts of City and Finance Institutional Wolf packs and their friends in Government who believe in and want to enable the small state theory with little government involvement in a full healthcare market  economy.
The NHS is a Deer on the run, with the Tory party and its Off Shored, Wealth Management Funds, Investment Banking and Construction Conglomerates friends are the Wolf Pack relentlessly running it down to eventally tear its live carcass apart.
The instinct of a Predator is to do what predators do with no human moral imprint to contend with. The pack will kill the deeer regardless of if it has any young unable to survive alone in the wild. It is simply natures way. We as human beings are supposed to have transended the most basic of our brutal instincts to form societies. It appears we have are those with predatory and animalistic instincts roaming among us and unfortunately for us, running the country.
The human condition is such that when all is working well and no immediate issues are imminent, we tend to forget the umbrella above and safety net below that is the NHS unless two words uttered in any consultation room and presented as they usually are in quick succession, Chronic & Life long. Some will thankfully never get to here these words, but those that do, begin to see something magical materialise, The NHS in action.
It is populated by people like us, actually, by people more than the likes of us. I count myself amongst the outsiders, apart from a breed of people for whom everyday action and moment is an exceptional and relentless one. Our Lives In Their Hands.



About The Author

Jamila Osman

Reporter : Health - Well Being & Common Interest Stories Correspondent

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