Let’s Make!

Let’s Make

Repair – Restore – Remake – Redo – Repurpose – Refresh & Re-Utilise

Repair – Restore – Remake – Redo – Repurpose – Refresh & Re-Utilise

We hate waste and that is why all you see that dresses the sets of our show are unique originals that have been brought back to their former glory and do not look out of place today, though some are close to a century old. Testament to the care taken in the quality of manufacture and timeless design.
A continuity of the ethos of Shack Entertainment and the mentality we have that everything has an intrinsic value, even that which we may we deem to beyond beyond its usefull purpose. If an item is manufactured with care and purpose and of such quality as to be able to be revived with a bit of love and care, why dispose of it in a landfill somewhere for a newer one of substacially less quality.
In the face of multi million pound advertising campaigns, the human psychology stands little chance of individual thinking and purpose, for fear of mocking for being found wanting. We all desire to fit into society and to be accepted and so it can be, purely on the understanding that one has to conform to the known rules. Maverick thinking and style will be challenged.

Vintage – Distressed – Rustic – Rare – Eclectic – Matured  Antique – Collectable

are the terms that have been coined essentially to make more palatable what in reality is actually second hand. One can buy a brand new rolex watch today and rightly expect to pay a fortune for it as expectec for the quality expected and the provenance of the company, but why is it that the most sought after are the old ones regardless of condition and state of repair. Why the old Fritz Hansen Egg chairs woth far far more than high quality newly mafactured ones under patent with the exact designer blueprint? Timeless Design, Manufacturing quality and Rarity value.
It would have been preferencial to have the restoration process of the all the above items that will feature on our show on film, but some were completed before the construction of this platform and others during the process, which all amounted to a lot of distraction that would intruded on the standard we wished to attain. There were also distractions of life that happened to us all – Covid.

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

Join Us for the Ride.


Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange
Phone: +44 7916 120 645
Phone: +00 000 000 0000
Email: info@shackentertainment.co.uk

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

Join Us for the Ride.


Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange
Phone: +44 7916 120 645
Phone: +00 000 000 0000
Email: info@shackentertainment.co.uk