Let’s do!

Let’s do!

All we can to make it happen.

What is the question to ponder. There are as many Whats – Ifs & Maybes, as there are people on the planet. so the assumption and resignation is that things are too disparate for any headway to be made in a world of individuals. Or so we are told and Gas lit into believing. Everyone for themselves is an under current that flows.
We may all be individuals but we do not live individually in the world we inhabit. Socialisation is a given and simply the human condition with baked in characteristics we call instinct. Interaction is one of those said instincts and a necessity for the survival and flourishing of a species. 
Acreditation may only be given to one person, but the process of achieving the desired goal they set themselves is usally the total sum of the efforts of a multitude of individually skilled persons in a process of division of labour that results in the end product. It takes more than one person to build a road.
Those on the fringe with dreams should collaborate to achieve their desired goals with the solidarity that has been removed from modern thinking by the demands of modern life and its increasingly Taxing necessities such as ever mounting outlay and expenditure in a newly and quietly developed wage constricted society.
The graveyard of hope and ambition is filled with the dreams and expectations of all who believed the mantra – If you work hard, You will achieve your desired dream. That notion is soon shattered by the reality that who you know and what kind of support you can call upon, alonside the sort of safety net or parachute you have, determines if you are able to materialise opportunity. In essence the play of life is rigged in favour of the well placed and not solely on merit. Nothing new there. Acknowledging it does not amount to sour grapes, just reality. This writer in some small measure benefited from that reality and as such has seen it from the inside.
It is not always necessarily the case that the best of us that rises to the top – Case in point, Boris Johnson, a walking catastrophe wrapped and protected in the cotton wool of priviledge and the class system. Comfort yourself by realising that your journey and climb is infinitely harder than his climb into high office. Would your Life and working environment tolorate behavior like his from you? No!. How would you have fared had you had been given the opportunities he has wasted. Yet he is still sitting pretty, thank you very much.  Irefer back to an earlier statement in this article, it is not your failing in a very crowded and unbalanced game.

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Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

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Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange
Phone: +44 7916 120 645
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Email: info@shackentertainment.co.uk