INVESTIGATION – Shack News Editorials & Commentary.


The voice of a nobody in praise of NHS workers and the criminal involvement of ISS in our critical healthcare.

Try as one might to seek failings with the Medical, Trauma, Orthopeadic or Emergency Services of the NHS staff, it would only amount to a fools errand.  In my experience, I have only ever known them to have been the ones always, thankfully for me and us all, who are present in our critical health moments.
The frontline staff are in my humble opinion faultless in their care giving duties. save for the occasional tragedies that are bound to occur in the life of a high pressure environment or the very rare occassion when a member of the service is a disappointment to their colleagues and the hypocratic oath.This article is of a very recent personal experience and not a relayed anecdotal or secondhand example that has informed every single sentence of this article, as I write down this first draft from my Hospital bed.
I have been a patient in the Gastroenterology Ward for five days,  two of which I have been on Morphine to suppress the excruciating pain I was in while being cared for by the amazing people pulling out all the stops to ease the agonising and distressing situation I  currently find myself in. Somehow I had contracted Colitis, commonly known as IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A totally debillitating condition I had come to discovered at very great expense.
I arrived at the A & E at 5am after being brought in by a Taxi arranged by the Ambulance service. On examination by the doctor on call, I was urgently admitted as my situation was critical. The best example I could give of the pain I was in, was it feeling like I had drunk battery acid and it was slowly melting me from the inside out. I was in absolute and total agony. This by the way was during the time of the Covid 19 Epidemic that was heaping extra burdens placed on the already overwoked and under strength team that the NHS had to work with.
It was evident in the subtleties I also picked up of their care giving that extended over and above their duties. Gastroentorology problems are a hugely embarassing matter for first time sufferers who have to confront their Privacy Vulnerabilities and  Embarassment all at the same time and in the open to strangers. The most intimate and personal actions that we all perform daily and privately, one now has to do openly for others to probe. The sensitivity with which that matter was handled till this day still make me greatful. While dazed on Morphine and being settled into a room, the nurse uttered a few inocuous words that till this day resonates. “Do not feel embarassed, We are here to take care of you.” While on Opiates and a Paracetamol drip, food is the last thing on ones mind, so the first two days of pain overode any pangs of hunger.
When eventually advised by my wonderful carers that I needed some nutrition, below in images is the cornucopia of horror that awaited compliments of a Private Provider of  Facilities Services that were once inhouse and the responsibility of NHS nutricionists in the case of Food, said company is also responsible for the provision of Security & Cleaning Services at a cost to us the Taxpayers of close to £1 Billion pounds per annum. Nice work if you can get it.


I made a point of informing the medical staff who deemed it unacceptable and was asked if I would like to speak with the catering manager of the company ISS who recoiled in equal horror as she witnessed for herself what the images above show. I said ” Do you not think this looks like the remnants on the floor of an abatoir”? to which she profusely apologised and replied, ” I am so sorry, this is wholly unacceptable and unforgiveable, please accept my apologies and I will rectify yhis for you by sending up a menu from the hospital staff restaurant for you to choose all your meals from for the duration of your stay.”

About The Author

Jamila Osman

Reporter : Health - Well Being & Common Interest Stories Correspondent

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