The Fringe Dwellers

Hope is good for Breakfast but sure makes for a lousy dinner…

Innovation – Creation – Collaboration.

With the launch of the Internet, access to the masses for the creative artist has finally been democratized and every discipline in existence that has needed to get to its market, no longer has to go through the gatekeepers of old who in some cases demanded you sign away your soul on a contract no different to being landlocked for want of a sanitised way of illustration.
Shack Entertainment Live Arts & The Live Exchange was founded as a labour of love, sheer Tenacity and out of the frustration of those lacking creative passion having too much involvement and sway over the creative artistic process. Located and based in London, it is an innovative self governing principle and Platform that makes Creating a joy to do again. Every artist has a story of their long road trip in search of recognition of their efforts. We believe their story is a part of the final product manifested.
Opprtunity is what we are about, at least the opportunity to fail fairly, having had a chance to present in full scope what ones creation, ability or talent is. Creatives and Artists know rejection is part of the learning process that forces one to revisit and reassess their work, to tweak and make better the end product. It appears that  the opprtunity we speak of has been gradually eroded while the retoric of if you work hard at something you will invariably achieve the success you deserve, in a linear and obvious manner with results at the end to follow. It is to still peddled as the only trajectory to take. Innovation and individualism discouraged.
It appears to be the case that what we have presented to us by the bohemoths of industry is the constant recycling of the same faces in different Media, Politics & Industry positons, some of whom are evidently little qualified for their gifted positions, except for the fact that they have attained a profile in the industry already or the age old route of knowing someone who can put in a word on your behalf. Nepotism (Boris Johnson et-al).
The easy transition of carreer roles is usually a very questionable one on closer inspection, exposing incompetence and lack of expertise in the position – As an example, how can a Politian be Health Minister Today, Business Minister In 6 months, Chancellor 6 months after that, Transport Minister 6 months later, Foreign Minister 6 months after that and numerous porfolios to follow after even though the only qualification he or she may possess is a degree in Classics from Oxford University. The same can be said of tha Media and many other vocations.
Certain creative industries appear to be gripped by a fear of bringing in new talent viewpoints and ideas that do no sit  within the understood status quo, though they constantly profess to do, in one of the most innovative countries in the world overflowing with grassroots talent. Our creativity as a nation is one of our biggest exports in all fields of innovation alongside Science, Engineering, Finance, Education, Fashion and more, but by an apathy that comes with the comfort of having a monopoly has descended upon those with the position and ability to invoke change but chose not to simply because the value of bricks and mortar in a capital city like London transcends everything else. What Creative Artist without a trust fund can navigate or survive going through the thorny hedge of trying to be a free thinker and creative in the magnificent money machine that is LONDON.
It is simply the case that an immediate return on a disposable and replacable items with quick turnaround of ranges has been normalised as the framework to apply in any and generally most thinking with Business and Creative Artistry today. Quality and high standards are not yet over with, even today, but only if you can afford the very best, as upposed to a time when craftsmanship though still relatively expensive in any past era, was still appreciated, aspired to and accessible at a relatively inexpensive cost in comparison to today. One could at least afford to live while creating magic and chasing the dream. It appears life is now best described as fighting a war while riding a revolution
Speaking to Creatives out there, your not achieving the goal or chance to see if you measure up to your innovative peers is not because you are not of low ability, it may be that you have the next greatest product but know not what to do next. It may have to do with doors being locked and you knowing no one with a key.
Cut your own key.



About The Author

Shack Entertainment

A&R - Shack News & Blog Posts Editor

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