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Somewhere in a small corner of the planet, at the end of a long desert road that disappears over the horizon, is a small unassuming building where old dreams go to live slowly as they never quite totally die.
Many a creative with potential unrealised fully, will know of said place as they occupy it with many friends made in a world that is governed by intangibles, emotion and passion. The same can be said of many other fields of disciplines and employment. There is an Art and a Craft to Molecular Science as there is in the timeless design of a Chair, crafting a Composition or the penning of a story or an article that is searing and to the point.
It is unfortunate that the true artist Utopia dreamt of is real only for a relative few and a wonderful picture in the mind for the rest whose dreams may yet wither on the vine, not for want of talent, but in part for the nature of pretence that has been absorbed by the massess bombarded by a repeated mantra of the UK being a leading creative capital of the world . The simplest of requirements in the UK such as available and affordable Artist Studio space and Rehearsal facilities are made totally out of reach in a city were Real Estate and Banking are the mineral asset with a value in excess  of £8.41 trillion pounds Sterling in the proprety market alone. As if not enough, what is left was further devastated by a logic I still have little understanding of or we can care any longer to understand.
Where and how does one unfunded and not unsurmountably lucky, start navigating the creative minefield of progress in an Industry that is one of the main exports of the country, yet the access to flourish is denied except for a few openings that demand undesired compromising in nearly all cases, diluting the purity of the work or or agreeing to partake in arrangements, punishing and unfavourable for the creator yet very lucrative for the conduit.
Access to the market has been unleashed in one sense as mentioned above with the wonders of tecnology today and again in a way monopolized as has always bee in history by those with the means to get in first

About The Author

Shack Entertainment

A&R - Shack News & Blog Posts Editor

Shack Entertainments In-house Writers and Editors will update users of our platform with Information Updates, Blog Posts, News & Upcoming Podcasts mail out to Subscribers .

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