Lets Be

Let’s Be

Relax, Take it easy, Don’t Get Stressed Out.

All easy to say for the one not on the harsh end of whatever reality hangs overbearingly like a constant dark ominous cloud. The human mind is beyond description that can be comprehended, even by those whose vocation it is is to study it, let alone by the lay person like myself, not a brain surgeon and as such would not have the first notion of how to hold a scalpel let alone where to put the first incision in a theater populated by 15 other specialists.
For want of a better way to put it, I am but a hostage to the magnificence that allows one to appreciate at least at the base level that life, made real by the sentience of a brain may sometimes be harsh , but is still a wonderful gift for those with the blessing to truly enjoy or appreciate it.
Only to a certain proportion of life can one ascribe logic. Love is an indescribable force with the all encompancing pull of gravity, yet unlike gravity, no mathematical formula has yet been discovered to decipher the contents of an endless pit of human or animal emotion and action as can be generated by love or loss of it. It is not just the preserve of homo sapiens but of all living entities.

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

Join Us for the Ride.


Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange
Phone: +44 7916 120 645
Phone: +00 000 000 0000
Email: info@shackentertainment.co.uk

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange

Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange are what we and you, the Creative unknown want and need it to be. A Hub, a Platform, a Place to be Yourself , Speak your mind & Do your own Thing.

Join Us for the Ride.


Shack Entertainment & The Live Exchange
Phone: +44 7916 120 645
Phone: +00 000 000 0000
Email: info@shackentertainment.co.uk